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Faith One Blog

Christians Wake Up!

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Do you know that Christ came to save the world (John 3:16 and 17) and, because He always completes everything He sets out to do, the world...

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Worlds Apart

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Christians are called to separate themselves from unbelievers. 14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers:  for what...

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Civilization prior to the time of Christ was very different from what it became afterward. The ancient pagan world was a world in which a...

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The Kingdom of God

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The kingdom of God (or kingdom of heaven) is mentioned over a hundred times in the New Testament, primarily from the lips of our Lord in...

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The Abolition Of Christianity?

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America, once a strongly Christian nation, is now coming close to rejecting Christianity. Christians, still the majority in America, have...

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A Christian World!

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Christians long ago gave up on the idea of ever achieving a Christian world. They decided that it could never be done and settled on just...

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