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Faith One Blog


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We all have responsibilities.  Children must obey their parents.  Women must obey their husbands and all must obey God.  We all are...

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Will there ever be a recovery from the crazy situation we find ourselves enmeshed in today?  We are definitely at the end of an age but...

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The Pendulum

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Is the world suspended as a pendulum?  Does liberty swing from one extreme to the other, from slavery to freedom and back to slavery?...

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The Christian Life

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What should a Christian’s life be like? How should they live as God’s people? We must go to God’s Word to answer this question. What did...

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Teach All Nations

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And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,...

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Godly Purpose

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God’s ecclesias, armed with a strong sense of purpose, accomplished much. They saw themselves as the initial outposts of the kingdom of...

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