America, and the rest of the world with us, is now in a serious crisis situation. Its unprecedented 500 years of freedom is under attack and may soon come to an end. The challenge is from a coterie of the now extremely powerful super rich. They are now attempting to bring their century old plan to take control of America to fruition. They, through there near total control of Congress and the media, have interfered with the election process and are attempting to overthrow Trump’s reelection victory.
God’s people, previously invincible, have become so weak that they are unable to withstand this evil. The dentury-old poison, dispensational theology, still runs in their veins and limits their ability to fight the disease. It’s false last-days teaching is now a century old; it is growing wearisome but has not yet been put to death.
The only remedy is a return to the faith that was so very strong previously. Post-millennial theology was once the rallying cry of the faithful. Jesus will return, yes but only after His people make this world a Christian world. There is no schedule given, just the task, however long it takes. The nations of the world, all of them, must be made Christian nations before Jesus returns:
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28:19-20)
These are the tasks He assigns to each and every one of His children. Are you a Child of God? If so, He speaks to you. Please note, there are two tasks here: the first is to preach the message of salvation and thereby make converts. The second is more demanding of our time and patience. It is to spend enough time and effort to make each convert a fellow worker having the heartfelt goal of converting the entire world to Christ.
These are not idle words. Jesus tells us here that He will not return and the world will not end until both these tasks are successfully completed! Anyone who contradicts this is either an enemy of God or a sadly mistaken, perhaps deceived person.
Satan’s Book
Satan is a God-created being. He exists to fulfil God’s purposes as do all things. We can see something of that purpose in this year’s events. Satan is flexing his muscles and attempting to exert his new-found strength in this world. God’s people, ordinarily his arch enemy that kept him subdued for centuries, have become so weak that he is now attempting to take control of the whole world.
How did this terrible situation arise? How did God’s people, once so strong, get so weak as to make it possible? Well, it didn’t happen overnight. Satan began with the introduction of a pleasant, good sounding but extremely evil storybook. His poison was very shrewdly embedded as notes within the well known and highly respected King James Bible.
Yes, Satan, the ultimate epitome of evil, produced a book that conveyed his evil message as notes immediately adjacent to the text of God’s Word. It was poison wrapped as sweet chocolate candy and America’s Christians swallowed it with relish. There was enough good material within it to disguise the deadly poison it contained.
This poisoned book, known as the Scofield Bible, was eagerly consumed by many of God’s people. It became the standard study Bible for the great majority of America’s Christians. Virtually all effective resistance to it was defeated or subdued and progress toward a Christian world was brought to a halt.
God’s response came this year in the form of Satan’s current attempt to destroy the U. S. Constitution and put an end to freedom in America. Will God’s people wake up to this challenge? Will they forsake the false faith they have been following and rescue their nation? So far they haven’t stirred a muscle.
Is this once godly and great nation to become Satan’s footstool? Is this bitter lesson the only one this wicked generation of disobedient Christians will hear? Must we find ourselves in the days of Ancient Rome before we realize what we’ve done?
Wake up Christians! You’ve been following Satan’s teachings. It’s time to burn your Scofield Bibles and relinquish all its many false teachings. These are not the last days for the world but they will mark the end of your freedom if you fail to wake up and act, now before it’s too late!
Satan’s Bible
It was devised long before and was committed to print about a century ago. It consisted of an ordinary King James Bible with the addition of explanatory notes. The notes were immediately adjacent to the text and doubtlessly many readers often confused the two.
This Bible was a great hit, especially among the Christian farmers pf a century ago, who could read it and gain what they thought was a good understanding of God’s Word. The huge majority were utterly and totally enamored with its very clear, true and easily understood explanation of most passages.
So far so good but we know we can’t trust Satan so we must examine his Bible notes more closely. As we do so his true colors begin to appear. He says:
- There are seven dispensations in which God changes how He deals with men.
- But God says: I change not (Malachi 3:6).
- The Ten Commandments are not for Christians today.
- But Jesus said they will last until heaven and earth pass away. (Matthew 5:17,18)
- Time is short and the whole world will never be saved.
- But God says: “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15).
Despite its many falsehoods, the book gained popularity very rapidly. Churchgoers began to ask their pastors to use it in their services. Those that, for good reason, refused to do so were replaced by men that would comply and the churches began to change. Satan’s bible did its evil work and virtually the entire fundamentalist Christian world was converted to Satan’s teaching.
Why did God permit this disaster to take place? We don’t know and may never know but everything God does has a purpose, one that is fully consistent with His love for His creatures. In any case, it should be a wake up call for all true believers today.
Indeed, it is long past time to awake from your now century-long sleep. Satan’s forces have grown far too strong; they have launched an overt attempt to take complete control of our lives and appear to be very near success. They have interfered with the national election process and believe they have overturned the people’s choices in every significant office.
If you continue in your disobedient slumber you will soon be rudely awakened. You will find yourself in a totalitarian prison. You will face a situation utterly unique in the modern era. The Christian faith will be outlawed and driven underground, much as it was under the emperors of Ancient Rome.
You see all this coming and yet persist in your acceptance of it. You believe it is God’s will that evil rules. Satan’s Bible is still the basis of your faith and you are asking for more punishment from the God who loves you with an everlasting love.
Wake up Christians! Break out of Satan’s evil grip before its too late. Satan lied to you; these are not the last days for this world but will be the last days for freedom if you fail to wake up and take action.
Foundations Under Attack
A century or so ago God’s people began a move from an uncomfortable house built on a rock to a more attractive house built on sand. They, like children, followed a pied piper who played a very catchy tune. It said, follow me and I’ll show you a much easier and far more pleasant way to serve God. You need not work so hard trying to convert the world to Christ any longer. Crazy as it may sound, God has changed His mind! He now has a whole new plan for the world. We are now in the last days; Jesus is coming soon, very, very soon, and there won’t be time to convert everyone. Indeed, most of the world’s lost souls will go to hell. We must do all we can to save as many as we can while there is still a little time left to us.
This was the tune that enchanted God’s people and that they fell in love with, beginning about a century ago. Sadly, too many of God’s chosen are still following the same old piper. Many are still fast asleep in a long dead dream.
Wake up Christian, the hour is late. The world is slipping out of your grasp and into Satan’s evil hands. Will God’s people never awaken? Will the Christian faith, once so strong in America, die out entirely? Will the judgment God sent this year be ignored by His sleepers? Must He send yet more severe chastisements before we wake up? God is indeed patient but He is also persistent and will do whatever He must to arouse His sleepers.
Prayer is needed but it cannot be prayer without action, which is a form of false prayer that God doesn’t answer. Huge prayer meetings that attempt to gang up on God won’t suffice. God’s people must recognize their responsibilities, roll up their sleeves and get to work. They must regain the strength they lost through lazy idleness and clean up the mess that the world has become.
It won’t be easy. The enemy has deceived two to three generations of God’s people. Many were taught a false story their entire lives and strongly resist the truth. They still desperately hold on to a fading belief that we are now in the last days and will soon be in the final week. This extremely weak and very misled generation is resisting God’s wake up call. The longer this persists, the more difficult and more painful the recovery will be.
Pulpits, Pews and Priority
The primary focus in today’s preaching seems to be the saving of souls. We are told it is so that more people may come to Christ and be saved. The altar call of the previous generation seems to have passed out of style but the emphasis and the rationale of preaching is very much the same, we need to save souls! For many churches and preachers the real purpose behind this thrust is to increase revenues by winning new converts and getting the membership to continue to donate. But putting these devious purposes aside and considering only the motives of sincere followers of Christ, we still need to examine the basic concept from a Biblical perspective.
First, we should recognize that it is God that saves, not men. God chose His elect before the foundations of the world were laid (Eph. 1:4). Yes, He uses preaching as a means to call His elect to Him but should this be seen as the primary purpose of preaching? Should not the primary purpose of preaching rather be the expounding of the Scriptures so that all, especially the members that are in attendance week after week, may grow in the knowledge of the truth and benefit thereby? Many that preach believe that any failure on their part to include the Gospel message in each sermon might be the cause of someone going to hell. But this is not biblical; God’s arm is not so short that He is not able to bring all His elect to repentance and faith. It is also presumptuous to think that God is dependent on what anyone does. He is the ultimate sovereign and is in total control of the flow of history in its minutest details. Rather than a call to invite Christ into one’s heart, a call to recognize His presence there would be more appropriate. “Do you believe that Christ, the second person of the Trinity, came to save sinners like yourself? If you do, thank Him for giving you the faith to believe and eyes to see your great need. Thank Him for dying in your place and, if you love Him, keep His commandments.” This is the appropriate tone for Gospel preaching; it gives God the glory and puts man in his proper place as the creature and servant.
Second, we need to see that the Great Commission is not merely a call to preach the Gospel and get as many people saved as possible. It is a command to convert all the nations of the world to Christ and to teach them obedience. This is a task that involves all Christians, not just those in the “Lord’s work,” ministers, evangelists, missionaries, etc. The work being done (or that should be done) by church members requires and deserves a great deal more effort and financial support than does the preaching of the Gospel. Scripture reflects this in the law structure God gave the nation of Israel where the tithe was given to the Levites, who provided a wide range of services for the community, including education, medical care, courts of adjudication, leadership and many other services. This was where the bulk of the tithe went; only a tithe of the tithe (1 %) went to the Priests.
The primary thrust of preaching should be in support of the membership of the church, to help them come to a better understanding of the responsibilities that fall on God’s people as a consequence of this Great Commission Christ has placed on His people. They are ever in need of Scriptural guidance to show them how to select objectives, establish goals and interact with the world in carrying out what should be a lifelong purpose for them.
The loss of focus on the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) as a comprehensive task for all Christians and its degeneration into a call to preach has robbed God’s people of the primary purpose He gave them. In this scheme of things, the real work is now done in the pulpits, the Bible studies and the mission field. “All the people need to do is live moral lives and set as good an example as they can to those around them. There is no need for them to work for godliness in education, in entertainment or in government.” As a consequence, Christians have withdrawn from the world to such an extent that they are no longer involved in any significant culture-changing activities. The moral degeneration of America in the last several decades can be directly attributed to this abandonment by Christians of the responsibility Christ placed on them. He instructed us to be the salt and light of the world and we have reduced this to light only, and a dim one at that.
The greater culpability in this lies at the feet of ministers and theologians who, having paid too much attention to the newspapers, have lost faith in ever achieving what Christ commanded us to do. Their subsequent revision of Scripture teaching has moved the church from a hope of victory to one of despair. The general belief is that the forces of evil are just too strong for us and victory is only possible with the Lord’s return. This, of course, has become a self-fulfilling prophecy and, as a consequence, the church is now resigned to a struggle for existence in a world given over to the Devil.
These false teachings must change before the current slide into moral and religious depravity can begin to be reversed. God’s people need to have their great purpose for living restored. They need to both gain an understanding of what their responsibilities are and regain the hope of eventual victory before they can begin to take the measures required to alter the current trend into oblivion. This process would be expedited if the pulpits would take the lead and begin to teach biblically. But, realistically, it will probably not come about until the situation becomes so grave that the pews will rebel and demand new leadership. The future is bright with hope; the only question being when! how long will it take for Christianity to get back on track and straighten out, first themselves and then the mess this world has become?
Teach All Nations
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28:18-20)
To whom are these words directed? To the apostles present with Jesus of course and also Paul who replaced Judas. But is that really all? Who would be with Him unto the end of the world? Not the apostles, they would be with Him for all eternity, not just to the end of the world. Jesus speaks here to all that are in Him, all true believers!
Are you in Christ? If so, he speaks to you here and sets a little task before you, the conversion of the entire world. You can’t do it alone but you’re not alone! you are many. You have the Holy Spirit within and nothing can stop you but your own neglect.
The apostles did their part, which led to a Christian Western World. This generation is very lazy and believes that the Infinite God that created and sustains the universe has changed His mind. This, of course is utterly impossible. We, His creatures change but God knows the end from the beginning and never needs to change (Malachi 3:6). His Word is sure and certain for all eternity.
One day, when a faithful generation arises, we will hear:
And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. (Revelation 11:15)
Notice here that there are still kingdoms in existence at this time. Jesus has not yet returned and the nations are Christian nations. The entire world, every person in it! has been born again and is in Christ.
Do you long to see this day? Are you working, doing your part to make it a reality?
There have been many notorious individuals in history but none quite so notable as J. N. Darby and C. I. Scofield. These two 19th century men founded what amounts to a new religion and converted most of the Western World to it. It is known as Dispensationalism, a highly distorted form of Christian theology. It was devised by Darby and published by his student Scofield in 1908.
It appeared in the form of notes embedded within the text of The King James Bible. It presented a new view of God’s Word. It was extremely popular with Christians that were not serious students of God’s Word and just accepted what it said. It made such readers feel that they finally had a Bible that explained itself clearly. Many average, unstudied readers felt that with it they were as competent as pastors that spent years in the study of God’s Word.
The theology they learned from these notes though, differed markedly at certain points from what Scripture actually teaches:
- Scofield taught that: There are seven periods in history in which God changes the way He deals with mankind.
- God says: “I change not.” “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever” (Heb. 13:8).
- Scofield taught —over a century ago—that we were then in the last days and Jesus is coming very soon.
- God says the nations of the world will become Christian nations before He returns (Rev. 11:15).
- Darby wrote: “I do not receive the Bible, that is, a revelation of God from the hands of men. I receive paper and ink. The revelation I receive of God directly—“They shall all be taught of God.” The revelation is the divinely-wrought conscience, and, I repeat, in the conscience.”[1]
- This utterly incredibly statement says:
- The Bible is not a revelation from God. It is just paper and ink. the work of men.
- God reveals His will directly to the conscience of all those that He teaches.
- God’s revelation to man is located within him. It is his own God-created conscience.
- This is God’s means of teaching. It is directly to the heart.
So, according to these men, we can just ignore the Bible; it’s just man’s word. God never spoke to His creatures. He just puts into our minds all we need to know about Him, about sin, righteousness, Christ’s sacrifice for us, repentance, forgiveness, and about how to live in this world. All this is supernaturally communicated to us!
How did God’s people ever fall for this Satan-inspired pack of lies that so blatantly contradicts God’s Word? God tells us that Satan is a deceiver and the father of lies. Let’s reject these lies from Satan’s servants and go back to God’s Word. We have work to do:
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations …. to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matt. 28: 19,20)
This is not an impossible task. God doesn’t ask the impossible of us. It is well within the ability of His people to fully accomplish. We just need to roll up our sleeves and get to it.
[1] See a letter Darby wrote from London in 1874,
Search for “paper and ink”
A missionary is a man with a mission. He is under a higher authority than himself and goes and does his duty as one authorized to act for another, higher authority. He acts, carries out the commands he receives from that agency.
Consistent Christians see themselves as God’s missionaries, individuals that live and act as agents of their Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. They bring the message of salvation to as many as possible, and give help to all others as well. All God’s people should be missionaries to the extent they can. The gospel message should flow from their lips at every opportunity.
God’s people are also responsible to “teach the nations” (Matthew 28: 19,20). This goes a step further; it requires action; teaching a nation is not a trivial task. It easily becomes a life-long effort. Yes, God does ask us to dedicate our lives to His service! His people are all to be His missionary-teachers in a world that has gone far astray.
The kind of teaching God requires is teaching that produces more teachers. We are to rapidly increase the number of, not just believers, but believers that will go on to teach yet others. The world was to rapidly become a Christian world.
Our predecessors did not do this too well and here we are two millennia later with a largely unconverted world on our hands. All Christians should be missionaries but how many actually feel this calling? How many teach new believers to teach? How many don’t even bother to teach anything?
This year we are feeling God’s wake-up call. It comes in the form of an attempt by Satan’s people to take control of the world. In the face of this serious threat, the great majority of God’s people continue to sleep. They, instead of acting as God commands, just wait for Jesus’ supposed soon return. One would think that a century later they would see that they’ve been told a lie. He’s not about to come anytime soon. He has given us a task that must be completed before He returns:
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28:19,20)
America’s Ruler
Our Constitution places the power to govern the nation with what it calls, the state. The meaning of this word state, though, has changed. In the 19th century, it meant the people, the citizens themselves. Authorities such as mayors, governors, presidents, etc. were to be seen as hired servants of the state, the people! There are no rulers or ruling bodies that rule over the people in the governing law of this nation. This is the correct meaning of the word “state” in the Constitution. The word state is a reference to the whole population, all the voters, the citizens of the nation.
So, in America the people rule! This raises two questions:
- What governs the people themselves?
- What keeps the governing agency in place?
The only answer to both questions is that it is the reverence and fear of God. The people are governed by God’s Ten Commandments which they obey from their hearts.
Clearly, not all will obey God, so how is crime to be kept under control? The answer is that the people, themselves do it. When necessary, they may employ individuals they hire as sheriffs to manage a small number of incorrigible criminals.
This system breaks down when there are too many godless individuals. Sheriffs become policemen and magistrates are needed to judge the criminals. The situation worsens as the number of violators grows until we come to where we are today. We have several, huge governing bodies, federal, state and local, that preside over the people. Powerful government is necessary today because the people are no longer sufficiently self-governed by the Word of God.
The freedom that characterized America for centuries is disappearing today. The people, no longer governed by God, have permitted evil, greedy men to fill the vacuum. An extremely wealthy and powerful element is now attempting to overthrow the existing government and replace it with a socialist/communist regime under their control. The only possible remedy for this looming disaster is a return to government by God.
The question now is, when will sufficient true faith return so that a reversal of the current trend into slavery can begin? The answer is, only when the level of pain is sufficient to provoke a return to faith in, and obedience to, God.
The perpetrators of this attempted coup are moving slowly to prevent such a reaction. They have a loud voice in the media they control and have much power in the big cities. Whether or not it is sufficient to realize a successful overthrow remains to be seen.
God is permitting all this because His born-again people have lost all sense of their responsibility to teach the nations and make this world a Christian world:
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations… to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28:19,20)
So many of God’s people (true believers!) have been misled to believe in an imminent rapture that makes impossible, and therefore relieves them of this clearly stated responsibility. But over a century has passed and still no rapture yet, no second coming! Isn’t it time for you to realize you’ve been lied to? Yes, lied to by your pastors and others, most of whom have themselves been deceived by Satan, the father of lies. It’s past time to reject the lie of His imminent return and to get busy with the work He assigned you. There is a world out there, just waiting to be won for Christ.
Why is this year so different? Why all the turmoil? Why are the youth being led to rioting and destruction of property? Why are some State Governors illegally forcing people to wear masks that are totally useless as a protection and actually harmful to ones health?
On the surface it is insane but there is a reason behind it. A few very wealthy and very powerful individuals have decided to convert America into a socialist-communist dictatorship under their control. They appear to be making considerable progress in most of the country. Most of these conspirators are not visible but are hidden behind corporations they own and control.
Hard to believe? Yes it is but there is no other explanation for what we see:
- The riots are well organized and well funded.
- Trailers full of placards, T-shirts, bricks and other supplies are in place and on-hand well before the riots begin.
- The rioters are mostly of college age but their leaders are older men, many with criminal records.
- The mainstream media fails to report and thereby covers up these facts.
Where is God in all this? We can be sure that He is still very much in control. He is employing this situation to achieve His purposes. His people have been asleep for over a century now and this is their wake-up call. They have followed a pied-piper, the Darby-Scofield duo that sold them a package of lies from Satan.
Darby taught that:
- The Bible is not the Word of God; it is paper and ink!
- God guides His chosen people by supernaturally communicating His wishes to them.[1]
Many of today’s Christians are not aware of this and hold Darby in high regard. In this they are, however unknowingly, doing the Devil’s work. They need to repent of their sinful disobedience to God’s command:
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations …Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28;19, 20)
When God’s people finally reawaken, we will see real change. All these demonic forces will shrink in fear and retreat into their hiding places. The sun will shine once again and many wrongs will be put right. God will be God once again and the confusion all around us today will end.
[1] Darby wrote: “I do not receive the Bible, that is, a revelation of God from the hands of men. I receive paper and ink. The revelation I receive of God directly—“They shall all be taught of God.” The revelation is the divinely-wrought conscience, and, I repeat, in the conscience.”
See a letter Darby wrote from London in 1874, (Search for “paper and ink”)