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Faith One Blog


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We all have responsibilities.  Children must obey their parents.  Women must obey their husbands and all must obey God.  We all are...

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God’s Commandments

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Are God’s commandments directed to the individual believer, a particular group of believers, or to the entire Body of Christ.  The...

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Will there ever be a recovery from the crazy situation we find ourselves enmeshed in today?  We are definitely at the end of an age but...

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What Next?

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The last two years have seen much change in the America we once loved.  The duly elected President is not in office.  An unelected...

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The Christian’s Responsibility

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Did God give His people work to do in this world? Yes, He did; He gave His people two tasks that they sadly have reduced to one. It is...

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Today we celebrate the birth of the most truly unique person that was ever born. It was the birth of Jesus Christ, the God-man who had no...

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