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Faith One Blog

The Choice

Who chooses who?  Do we choose God or does God choose us? God’s Word tells us that God wrote the names of all that will believe in Him in His book before He made the worlds (Hebrews 1:2).  It says also that faith in God is a gift of God (Ephesians 2:8).  No one, including you dear reader, chooses God until he receives this gift of faith.  It can come at a very early age, even so early that the person can truly say that he or she has always believed. 

How though, can one be sure that a choice made at an early age or even more recently was a true choice?  How can one be sure it was a gift from God and not just wishful thinking?  The only certain indication is a visible change of personal interests in one’s life.  Do I truly believe in my heart?  Has my life visibly changed as a result of that choice?  Can you identify a point in time when the center of your outlook and interests shifted very abruptly from the world to God? 

This was an experience this writer had about fifty years ago, an experience I remember vividly even though many other memories have faded away.  I look forward to a future life, an everlasting life with other true believers in a glorious place called Heaven. 

Can you remember a time when your life changed as a result of a new faith that just happened?   Did you become a new person with new interests, you too may well be a child of God.  Yes, there is a place called Heaven and it is not to be found anywhere in this world.  To gain entry to this most glorious place, one must be chosen, chosen by God, and have the Holy Spirit of God residing within. 

Did God choose you dear reader?  Have you been born again?  Will you live forever in Heaven or will you suffer forever in Hell?  The power to choose God is in your hands but it must be a total choice.  All must be surrendered to Christ with nothing withheld.

What, dear reader, is your choice?  Do you choose for Christ or do you have some reservation, something you just can’t let go of, something too precious to give up?  Do you truly give all to Christ?  This is the question God asks and you must answer, the choice you must make.  It is the most important choice of your life.  Make it with much care. 

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