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Faith One Blog

The Problem

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The world is in trouble and where is God?  Has He forgotten His people or have they forgotten Him?  He never forgets anything, so it must...

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Our Story

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gave them a land in which they could live and prosper in obedience to Him. They failed to obey and repeatedly continued to fail for a...

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Born Again

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Jesus, speaking to Nicodemus one evening, explained to him (and to us) what these words mean (John 3:1-8). The Bible tells us that way...

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The Seed of the Serpent

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Genesis 3: 14 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou...

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How do you see the Old Testament Law of Moses relating to today’s society?

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Jesus tells us to “Go and sin no more” … (John 8:11). But what is a sin? … What are we to turn from and what are we to turn to? What does...

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