Possess the Land!
Here are words God gave His people three millennia ago just prior to their entry into the land of Canaan, the land He had promised Abraham...
Read MoreIn the World—Not of the World
We are often told that Christians are in the world but not of the world (Col. 2:20; 1 John 2:16). Just what does this mean? Are we to act...
Read MoreWho Rules the World?
Who’s winning the struggle for supremacy, Satan or Christ? It depends on how far back you go. If we measure from the time of Christ to...
Read MoreThe Truncated Gospel
The gospel of our Lord is a message of salvation but is it limited to salvation from an eternity in Hell? Is there no aspect of salvation...
Read MoreChrist’s Challenge to Christians!
Atheistic humanism, the idea that there is no God and that man is his own god, had very little sway in 19th century America. It was looked...
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