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Faith One Blog

The Solution

The world has gone crazy but why?  What is really behind it all? What is the root cause of all the madness and insanity in this country today?  Is there a root cause?  Yes, there very definitely is a root cause from which springs all the madness that surrounds us.  It all stems from one deficiency, one lack on the part of God’s people.  They have neglected to obey the God that saved them from Hell and gave them the gift of eternal life in heaven. 

God asks all His so very blessed and gifted beneficiaries to diligently spread the good news of His free gift of eternal life to everyone they can.  This is truly the only solution to all of today’s problems as well as to every other truly serious problem in the world. 

This responsibility to God was once recognized and obeyed but has been grossly neglected in recent years.  Why so?  It is because so many of God’s people have believed a lie of Satan.  They were told a story that greatly contradicted God’s Word and they swallowed it hook, line and sinker.  They believed the lie that said God changed His mind! and will not do as He promised in His Word.  They believe that God actually would end the world before it was fully converted. 

It may seem incredible that so many of His people actually believed such a blatant lie.  God knows the end from the beginning.  He knows all things because He determines all things.  He give us a great deal of freedom, even the freedom to sin, but never sins Himself.  For Him to change His mind would be for Him to sin, an utter impossibility:

For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.  (Malachi 3:6)

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?   (Numbers 23:19)

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.  (Hebrews 13:8)

Whoever or whatever book says that God ever changed His mind is very wrong.  He forgave Israel often and withheld His judgement they well deserved but this is not a change of mind on His part.  The Infinite, Eternal God sees the end from the beginning and knows the past, present and future of all things.  He never makes a mistake and never needs to changes His mind.

God’s people need to wake up from the false dream they have been dreaming for over a century.  The Scofield bible is the work of a man that all his life was a notorious scandal and a habitual liar.[1]  God’s people must recognize this and reject it utterly. 

The world is waiting for God’s people to respond to their wake-up call and awake from their foolish faith in a message designed by their arch-enemy, Satan himself.  The craziness of today will end as soon as a sufficient number do so. 

[1] See “The Incredible Scofield and His Book” by Joseph M. Canfield, Ross House Books. 

It shows the world what this supposed man of God reallt was, an effective agent of Satan.

[1] See “The Incredible Scofield and His Book” by Joseph M. Canfield, Ross House Books. 

It shows the world what this supposed man of God reallt was, an effective agent of Satan.

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