The Two Worlds
There is the world that God made and there is the world that man made of it. In the beginning it was perfect, perfect in every respect....
Read MoreThe Christian Dynamic
What is different about Christians? Why do they seem to have an unusual way of looking at things? Well, it isn’t that it’s just the way...
Read MoreJesus is Lord!
Christians often say “Jesus is Lord” but what does that really mean? Europeans give the title of lord to some of their nobility but...
Read MorePossess the Land!
Here are words God gave His people three millennia ago just prior to their entry into the land of Canaan, the land He had promised Abraham...
Read MoreWho Rules the World?
Who’s winning the struggle for supremacy, Satan or Christ? It depends on how far back you go. If we measure from the time of Christ to...
Read MoreGod Does it – We Do it
The Dilemma A question that has plagued man and the church for all of history is if God controls all things, why is what I do of any...
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