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Faith One Blog

The Culture War

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All of history has been a conflict between faith in God and faith in man. The Western World was once solidly Christian. There were...

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A Divided World

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Is the world divided? Yes, in many different ways but the most basic division has been with us for all of history. It occurred as a...

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Freedom and God’s Kingdom

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The Christian’s Freedom 31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples...

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Christmas Carols

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The better Christmas carols carried a distinctive message, one of joy and celebration of a new world in the making.

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The Two Worlds

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There is the world that God made and there is the world that man made of it. In the beginning it was perfect, perfect in every respect....

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The Body of Christ

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Why are Christians portrayed as a body? Where did this idea originate? What is God’s purpose for this body? How is it supposed to function...

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