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Faith One Blog

The Heavenly Body

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Many Christians are uncertain as to what kind of body they will have in heaven.  Some seem to think we will have the same kind of body as...

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Born Again

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1 There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews:  2 The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we...

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Are you a born-again Christian? Do you agree with the Apostle Paul who says to live is Christ and to die is gain? (Phil. 1:21)  Do you...

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A Confused World

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What is wrong with the world and how did it happen? It’s like waking up from a bad dream and discovering it wasn’t a dream at all!  How...

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A New World

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There’s a new world coming. All the craziness of this present world will be no more. The world will become the kind of world Jesus told...

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